Home Weight Loss Equipment.
Are you the type of person that is constantly worried about your body, how you look and how much you weigh. You’ve enrolled at a gym, usually with a friend and they eventually stopped training and then so did you. Now, you’re looking to purchase some home weight loss equipment to lose weight on your own terms.
Well I’m here to say that isn’t a bad idea! The thoughts you are having now as been experienced by many people. Losing weight is of interest to a lot of people and remains a constant battle, with not many achieving success. The right mindset to achieve and having the right home weight loss equipment behind you to help you do the job!
The Basics To Losing Weight – The Right Way.
So you want to lose weight and I’m betting one of the first things you have done is cut back on your food. More importantly your Carbohydrates, this is just a guess of course. Losing weight and keeping the lost weight off is what needs to be achieved. This can be done in a number of ways although I’d say there’s a wrong way and a right way!
The wrong way is to go on a starvation diet! This is usually the choice of many and the end result is weight gain and poor health.
The right way is to change how and what you eat and implement an exercise plan. Now, this is where the hard work begins, making small changes to your life style will lead to success in time. The changes don’t have to be drastic, just consistent.
Start an exercise program, research and purchase some home training equipment and get to work.
What Is A Healthy Weight Loss – How Do You Feel?
Well the saying goes, “Easy come, easy go”! These are words to live by, losing weight will take time but it will happen. The process of losing weight will make you feel tired at times and at other times it will make you feel full of life and oozing with energy.
If your food intake isn’t right, this can be made ten times worse. The tiredness is usually because you have cut out too many carbs (Carbohydrates). This can have a devastating effect on your energy output and should be corrected as soon as possible.
The very next day you feel full of energy! You’ll experience these days when you get the balance right or you have over done your sugar intake. If this is the case, you will also be hit with a sugar rush and then a big drop.
Getting The Right Equipment.
Choosing the right home weight loss equipment is an easy task, if you’ve done your homework. By this I mean have you chosen the right equipment for the job? How much weight do you want to lose and when was the last time you had a physical workout.
This will determine what kind of equipment you should use. The importance here is to make sure your training regime causes you to lose weight and not cause injuries. If you haven’t been involved in any physical exercise for a number of years and your weight is excessive, then a routine that consists of a lot of running isn’t going to do your joints any good.
This isn’t to say you couldn’t Power Walk on a treadmill and that could lead up to running. There is also the risk of pushing your heart over the edge.
I would also advise against choosing equipment that means you have to jump up and down. Again this is to prevent any joint damage, such as knees, hips and ankles.
So taking it slow is the best way forward and choosing the right training equipment will help you in many ways.
Using Your New Equipment Properly – Do Not Blame Your Tools.
Knowledge is power and power is knowledge. Before you set out on your mission to chose the right training machine or routine. Try to book a few sessions with a personal trainer, if only to learn how to use the machine you are interested in safely.
Your number one thought should be to lose weight and keep safe from start to finish. The end process should be a fitter and super lean you. Without any injuries and the only way to achieve this is by doing some due diligence.
Your body is supposed to last you a lifetime, so take every step with lots of thought. Understand what can go wrong and then take sensible steps to minimise the chances of it happening. This also goes for using weights, unfortunately I’ve come across a lot of people who believe they must use heavy weights and the heavier the weights, the better!
This depends totally on what you are trying to achieve and your physical health of course. I really don’t see the point of having an intense workout and then not being able to move for the next few days. To me that is counter-productive.
A counter-productive session stops you from being consistent in your training routine and that leads to wasted time.
The Benefits Of A Healthy Weight – Healthy body, Healthy Mind.
Working out on your new home weight loss equipment is great. You can do what you want to, when you want to. But the aim is to become fitter, this is what will drive you through every training session.
As you progress through your training routines you’ll start to notice how your body as changed. You will begin to sleep better, your body shape will improve. Your waistline will become more defined and of course you will have lost weight.
Most people don’t often see all the other benefits that having a healthier lifestyle brings and it’s something you cannot avoid.
So looking back at your very first training session, you are now in a position to compare what you have achieved. I can tell you in advance that you’ll be amazed at your transformation and your heart will love you for it too!
How To Keep The Weight Off!
The words to live by here is “CONSISTENT MAINTENANCE” You’ve made amazing progress and believe me I know what it takes and means to reach your goal. But the work must continue, you need to keep doing what you have been doing. There’s no other way to keep all your hard work thriving.
Be consistent with your workouts, use your home weight loss equipment with care and you will keep and continue to improve your health and well-being.
I hope you have enjoyed this post about training for weight loss. If, you have any questions or comments about what you have read please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I will reply as soon as possible.
Keep strong and train hard UTG.
This was a very thought provoking post about home weight loss equipment. You made some great points about not over doing things and selecting equipment that will not cause you to damage your joints in the long run.
Granted, I was amused by reading that and then seeing the girl in the photo wearing sandals with tall heels. Ouch…. Been there, done that. I no longer wear heels because of the foot pain they caused from being in an unnatural position.
In this article, you have not mentioned what kind of home exercise equipment that you recommend for someone that is just starting an exercise program that is intended to help them lose weight in a healthy manner and keep it off. What type of equipment do you recommend. As I start out on a weight loss journey, so I can get back the healthy weight that I once was, I am looking for something that will help increase flexibility and tone. I do not want to “bulk up” like a body builder. I desire a strong, fit look, similar to the girl in the bottom picture.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Sondra. Thank you for your comment. I deliberately tried not to get too involved with the type of equipment, even though I did mention a treadmill. My reason is it’s hard to know what would be suitable for each individual but I’m happy to try and help anyone who leaves a comment.
I would first of all ask you what experience you have and are you injury free? I would also like to get an idea of what type of sports you have played in the past, all these questions would help me to be accurate with my advice.
I love how you mentioned to book sessions with a trainer, and again, if it’s only to learn how to use new equipment. I cannot stress enough the benefits that hiring a qualified personal trainer can bring, and for those who have purchased new equipment but haven’t yet used it, looking to a trainer is a fantastic place to start; it’ll save you a lot of injury later. For someone just starting out, should they continue to use a trainer for accountability purposes, even at an in-home setting?
Hello Todd. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I would say it might depend on your budget. A personal trainer can be quite expensive long term. I would suggest using a personal trainer every 2 months to check your progress and gain additional training tips, if you’ve hit a training plateau.
I never knew which equipment was good to use for an average-sized woman. I wouldn’t say I have that much fat that I need to lose, but I like to stay in shape.
I normally don’t use equipment to exercise, but I was in the market of buying equipment specifically for a woman that just wants to stay in shape.
So do you have any equipment you can recommend for me perhaps?
But overall, thank you for this article. I will be coming back to read what you can recommend.
Hi Aabidah that’s a very good question. If you’re an average shaped woman I would recommend a treadmill because you wouldn’t have any joint issues or a cross – trainer. They would both be quite suitable for you providing you don’t have any injuries.
Ah, thanks for this post Derek, it’s encouraging and has some pretty solid advice that can be easily missed especially when we are too narrowly focused and anxious about achieving our weight loss goals. I agree with your recommendations that “taking it slow is the best way forward” in maintaining our weight loss goals as long as we are “consistent with our workouts.”
Hi Christie thanks for taking the time to read my post. I’m happy you understood what I was trying to get across. i hope it helps you to achieve your weight loss goals.