January 14, 2025
Stop watch

Apple Watch Vs Fitbit.

Stepping To The Beat.

What would be your choice, when it comes to Apple watch vs Fitbit?  The battle today is between two giants of technology.  In one corner we have Apples series 4 smart watch and in the other we have the Fitbit Surge.

Apple watch vs Fitbit – let the battle begin!

Our watches are no longer just to remind us of our curfews or when the next bus is due. They’re much smarter than that, but did you know that not all watches were created equal? I would like to make you aware of this simple fact. I would like to compare the faithful loving Apple watch vs Fitbit – two major market leaders in smart watch technology.

Which would you choose?  Their qualities are quite similar but different, so which do you prefer?

Apple watch vs Fitbit
Apple watch vs Fitbit

Apple Watch vs Fitbit – Quality Over Quantity.

If, money wasn’t the object which device would you choose? Apple is a well-known brand, sought after by many for various reasons. Their products are quick, efficient and used by many other devices. They have stood alongside Microsoft for many years, delivering quality P. C’s and tablets.

Fitbit is still growing but their smart watches has made the whole world take notice. They have no other products to talk about that I know of. Some see the new Apple watch has the best version that Apple has produced, it boasts a bigger, yet thinner screen, which makes reading emails a much easier task!

New and improved, which gives it a fresh look. Improving on a product that’s already popular and highly sort after isn’t an easy task but it looks promising so far.  So in the battle of Apple watch vs Fitbit who would you choose?

Smart watches can be used in many ways.  The majority of us just use them as a health gadget, which is designed to monitor and motivate us to keep us healthy.  Now this might seem like a gimmick but its one that is paying off!

Now I have spoken to various people, just to gauge their opinion on Apple watch vs Fitbit. The answers were quite surprising! Apple is a major driving force in the smart watch wearable market and Fitbit are on the rise but Apple sold over fifty percent of smart watches brought last year.

Apple Watch Series 4 (GPS + Cellular, 44 mm) – Space Grey Aluminium Case with Black Sport Band.


Apple Series 3

Case Size 40 mm, 40 mm 38 mm, 42 mm
Display Area 759 sq. mm or 977 sq. mm display area 563 sq mm or 740 sq. mm display area
Case Thickness 10.7 mm 11.4 mm
Processor 64-bit dual-core S4 processor; Up to 2 x faster than S3 processor Dual-core S3 processor
Electrical heart sensor (ECG app) Electrical heart sensor (ECG app) ECG app coming later this year N/A
Optical Heart Sensor Second-generation optical heart sensor Optical heart sensor
Fall Detection check mark N/A
Digital Crown Digital Crown with Haptic feedback

Apple Watch vs Fitbit – An Apple A Day.

This an amazing achievement but users of Apple smart watches were not impressed with the quality of their apps in comparison with Fitbit! Now that’s quite strange considering that Apple still dominated the market and if the series 4 is as good as it looks and sounds, things could have changed?

The devices have predominantly targeted the health conscious individuals but I can see from all the articles I have read that the net has now expanded. Wearable smart watches have the ability to monitor various things, movement, sleep, various exercises and heart beat but Apple have taken this a step further and has installed an ECG app and a fall monitor. This makes the device a useful tool for the old and in firm individuals in society.

Apple Watch v’s Fitbit – Smart Watch, Smart Choice.

I have always been a fan of Android devices, especially phones, not totally because of cost but more to do with the fact that everyone that seemed to own an iPhone seemed to have a broken screen.  This led me to believe that the brand was awesome but quality seems to have been forgotten!

Now, this could be a bad call on my part.  But in this world we live in devices aimed at being used on a day to day basis, should be fit for purpose. I hope you agree?

Apple Watch vs Fitbit – Time Waits For No Man!

Watches have been totally different, this could be because the case is smaller and therefore stronger.  Most devices have become Apple compatible and I suppose this would also have led to a big drive in sales.

Making Fitbit and other smart watch providers difficult to compete on the same playing field! Their products work together seamlessly and this has contributed to their appeal and popularity.

My conclusion on Apple watch vs Fitbit

Apple watch v’s Fitbit sounds like a cliché because Apple is so far in front regarding its product.  Usability and demand that it’s hardly fair to assume there’s any competition! There is and will always be a growing demand for technology.  When technology works seamlessly with our other day to day appliances. The demand becomes greater and greater.

Apple has managed to create that demand which as led to a hunger for its products. So when it comes to choosing a wearable device I do believe the numbers speak for themselves. Could millions of people be wrong!

I would be very brave in assuming this is the case.  Shall we say that millions of people have the same tastes and like me have made a decision on which they prefer!!

I hope you find this article interesting and helpful in choosing your next smart wearable watch.

Please leave any comments or questions you might have below.






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