March 4, 2025
How to win in sports.

How to win in sports.

Today’s topic is all about how to win in sports. This post will look at why we take part in sports and what we go through to achieve a great level in our chosen sport. We all take up a sport either as a hobby or to lose weight and often enough end up taking it to a higher level and compete. When this happens, it’s good to say you’re happy to take part but deep down everyone wants to win!

How To Win In Sports.

I’d like to say first and foremost there’s no silver bullet or magic pill that will take you from competitor to champion overnight. That requires hard work, which I guess you already knew but what you didn’t know and I’m going to do for you in this post, is tell you where the hard work is required!

So, you have a hobby that you’re really good at and a friend has recommended that you take it to the next level. In some cases you can make a living from what you do. But that usually follows winning consistently and you’re not quite there yet! Understanding how to win in sports is an art, that I’m looking forward to teaching you.

How To Win In Sports.

Having a great basic foundation.

Let’s start at the beginning. To progress in any sport and to achieve a world-class standard you need to understand a few things:

  1. What’s your weakness and how to improve it?
  2. Is your strength, truly a strength?
  3. Is your sport for a single person or a team?
  4. How fit are you – really?
  5. How good is your technique?

These are a few things that you need to focus on, go through them one by one and answer each one honestly. This is to give you a good grounding, which will strengthen your foundation. Allowing you to build a strong position, in preparation to developing a winning edge.

Improving your weaknesses and managing your strengths.

There’s a lot of questions that requires answering but every answered question will bring you a step closer to where I need you to be. I have found that many competitors in sport are their worse enemy, They eat incorrectly, don’t get enough sleep, their training regime isn’t designed to improve their fitness or technique. So, basically they still train as if they are participating in their HOBBIE!

How to win in sports.

That’s wrong and not what I’d suggest. I have a saying, “You can only compete, the way you train”. This is a big thing and causes your mindset to be unprepared to go beyond its comfort zone.

Some students I have trained would say that their strength is that they’re determined or that they are prepared to work hard. So is this really a strength or is it a weakness?

How to win in sports.

Being determined is a good strength and working hard would also be a strength, if your training is in line with achieving your goals. I really don’t see any sense in training hard at the wrong thing. If you’re part of a team, then you’re only as good as the weakest link. An individual sport will require you to dig a lot deeper than you’re probably use to. This isn’t a bad thing but I would ask you a very important question and that would be have you ever competed in an individual sport before and did you ever win?

This could even be back in your school-days, my reason for this question is to find out if you ever achieved the winning mind set. If, you have, then you know how it feels and you can achieve it again! Make a big effort to improve your fitness, this will affect your basic output and your performance is usually at risk. Which will move that winning line a little further out of your reach.

Developing a winning mind set.

The way you think, will affect the way you perform. So, here’s the plan, I would like you to sit back and think about what you want to achieve. Then focus on the reality of achieving your goal. You must be honest with yourself.  If, your goal is an impossibility, you won’t be able to trick yourself.  And your chances of success will be slim, if, at all.

Once you have passed this test with flying colours.  Then it’s time to focus on what would physically stop you from achieving your goals. I bet you know what I’m going to say next.  Yes, whatever the issue is, then work on getting rid of it. This should leave you with an open path to HARD WORK.

How to win in sports.

How to win in sports.

This has been a fun post to write, for the simple reason that it’s a place I have been myself. I asked myself all the questions I suggest you ask yourself. I had to take a real good, honest look at myself and I would like you to know the results I achieved after running through this inquisition was awesome. By pushing hard on all levels I managed how to win in sports and not just once but consistently.

Taking part in any sport is easy unless you want to achieve something from it.  And then it becomes a lot harder. If, you truly want to be the best at what you do then follow my advice. Take a step outside your comfort zone. It’ll feel unpleasant to start with but you’ll get accustomed to it and that’s when you will start to see some results.

I look forward to hearing about your success. If, you have any comments or questions that you would like answering please leave them below. I will do my best to answer them as soon as possible.

To your success.

4 thoughts on “How To Win In Sports

  1. Yes, hard work is required!!

    There is something beautiful in sport, which is to go beyond your limits. If you’re committed to work hard and be consistent in your sport you will get unexpected results. I started to exercise because I wanted to lose weight, I found it very hard and tiresome, so after a few days, I stopped. 

    Then because of some health issues I had to reach a goal in my exercise, so I started again, but this time I was not alone, I did it with a trainer and a friend, After a month the results were amazing, I lost the weight required, I continued because I like it, today I shaped my body a way I did not believe I could.

    So, what worked for me, was to have a goal to achieve and a support system to help you achieve it.


  2. Hi, There.
    Thanks for sharing your views on how to win in sports and they were so relevant. From my point of view, the five questions you put forward are really the success pillars of any sport. A correct analysis of these points can make us excel in the upcoming events. The need to strengthen our weaknesses and putting those focused efforts is the only key as per my experience. A very motivational article, thanks.
    Warm Regards,
    Gaurav Gaur

  3. I think I might for sure implement some of the information you have provided thanks a lot. I really love playing sports for kinda both the reasons you stated but mainly because it’s fun. The steps you have broken down has made me think more in-depth about how to become good at sports and now I’m going to practise that till perfection. Again thanks for this article!

  4. Decades ago, I was into competitive sports both as a competitor and later as a trainer/coach.   You are absolutely correct there is no “magic bullet” nor magic elixir that will make you a winner.   I actually like your observation that winning in sports is an art. 

    Becoming a great artist is truly understanding who you really are.   The ability to understanding then improve your foundation – is a great approach and I had wished I had realized this in my past efforts along the way.   It would have definitely had helped me to avoid those hit and miss moments.

    Is it still possible to get beyond the hobby mindset when you are over 60 years old?

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