Cheap sports clothing.
Cheap sports clothing.
It’s time to walk the walk, now that you’ve talked the talk. Participating in any sport requires serious thought and preparation. Cheap sports clothing that fits correctly will prepare you for the work ahead. Help you to feel relaxed, feel good and be safe.
I have found that by doing this with my chosen sport has helped me and made a big impact to my enjoyment.
Letting go and enjoying it.
My early days of training were very funny, I enjoyed sport and couldn’t wait to do it but as soon as I started training and the sweat started to pour I felt very uncomfortable! I came to the conclusion I wasn’t sports sports ready and to get me in the right frame of mind I needed was some cheap sports clothing.
But did I have any? No! Playing was always fun but because getting warm was going to leave me dripping with sweat. The fun element wasn’t always there and oh did I drip!
I hated the fact that no one dripped as much as me!
Cheap sports clothing reinvented.
One of the basic rules to taking part in any exercise routine is the warm up and cool down process. I made this a very uneasy experience. This took me a while to rectify this problem and by saying that I don’t mean I stopped sweating, I meant I found a sport where everyone dripped! That sport was Basketball!
Try playing that game without sweating! It’s going to happen, the other important factor is I was wearing the ideal clothes to sweat in. It occurred to me that If, I was wearing suitable attire I didn’t mind sweating! This had to be some old clothes or cheap sports clothing but I became a different man.
It changed everything for me! Having the correct clothing or even wearing some type of cheap sports clothing would do the job. I looked the part and felt great. I was ready to reap the benefits of exercise. When you’re planning a training session never overlook the benefits of clothing, safety equipment and your surroundings, they are all great feel good factors to enjoying any sporting activity.
Ready, steady, go!
Just an example of how wearing the correct clothing can change your mood.
Many years ago I took a family trip to Florida, It was awesome. The food was great, the sun was scorching, I couldn’t have asked for better holiday setting. I was dressed for the weather, shorts and a t shirt, standard wear when the sun is beating down! Now comes the funny thing, I was dressed for the weather and but I didn’t cater for getting wet at a water park!
Yes, I had the mardies because I got wet! Which brings me back to the point that wearing the right clothing makes all the difference to having a good time.
So, wearing cheap sports clothing or just older clothing during any sporting activity is a good idea. We all have them stashed around the house. Awaiting their fate as dusters or old rags! My advice to you is go and find them, look under the bed, at the bottom of the wardrobe or up in the loft. Wash them and give them a new lease of life.
Something old, something new.
As the saying goes, something borrowed and something blue! Give a thought to rekindling the inner you, grab hold of your cheap sports clothing and hit the road or the gym but whatever you decide to do in them have fun!
Please leave a comment or questions below and I will answer them as soon as possible.
Ultimate Training Gear.
Oh yeah, the right gear makes all the difference when it comes to working out. I know cuz I have some clothes that make me wanna catch my breath 2minutes into working out and some that I can go a full 30minutes before catching my breath. The right gear always does wonders, cheap or not.
I always loved playing sports. The sweating I did not like at all. I never had any workout clothes or anything, I always wore whatever I had on. Maybe if I had known that the clothes would make a difference I would have a better experience. Thank you for the great informative article.
Clothes actually play a big part in exercise and sports; they can affect your mindset massively! There’s a reason football players always use the same number on the back of the tops- might be superstition, might be sentiment but either way it seems to work for them. For me I always feel more confident when I go running with the right clothes; even though I know in theory it doesn’t make me any faster, it does make me feel faster and more efficient! Great article.
Thanks Benji I like the way you think.